Si quis lapidem digito premit, premitur et hujus digitus a lapide," &c. "Quicquid premit vel trahit alterum, tantundem ab eo premitur vel trahitur. By these, however, Newton certainly meant a mere vis motrix or pressure, as he himself explains them. In the third law of motion he has on the contrary been supposed to speak of this force from an ambiguity in the signification of the words actio and reactio. Newtonov pohybový zákon III zasada dynamiki III zasada dynamiki Newtona Zasada akcji i reakcji 3 zasada dynamiki Newtona trzecia zasada dynamiki trzecia zasada dynamiki Newtona Newtons tredje lov Actie = min reactie Actie en reactie actio et reactio terza legge del moto terza legge di Newton terza legge della dinamica principio di azione e reazione Newtonin III laki law of action and reaction Neŭtona tria leĝo tria leĝo de Newton akce a reakce 3."Nos autem non artibus sed philosophæ consulentes, deque potentiis non manualibus sed naturalibus scribentes," &c.Īnd again, nearly to the same effect in the Scholium, which follows the laws of motion, "Cæterum mechanicam tractare non est hujus instituti" lov 作用・反作用の法則 作用反作用 作用反作用の法則 反力 反作用 princípio da ação e reação ação e reação lei de ação e reação lei da ação e reação lei da ação e da reação Tretí pohybový zákon Tretí Newtonov zákon 3. Třetí Newtonův zákon fizika leĝo, laŭ kiu se unua objekto agas forte sur duan objekton, do la dua objekto male agas samforte sur la unuan objekton principio de acción y reacción acción y reacción Newtoni III seadus Newtonen hirugarren legea Hukum gerakan Newton ketiga drittes newtonsches Axiom drittes newtonsches Gesetz Gegenwirkungsprinzip Wechselwirkungsprinzip Aktion und Reaktion Kraft und Gegenkraft Actio und reactio Actio est Reactio acção e reacção lei da acção e da reacção lei de acção e reacção lei da acção e reacção princípio da acção e reacção Newtons 3.

lov derde wet van Newton третий закон Ньютона llei d'acció i reacció Ньютонăн виççĕмĕш саккунĕ uzročno-poljedična veza Newton's third law of motion قانون نيوتن الثالث Actio und Reactio Newtons tredje lag Newtonsches Gesetz أحد قوانين الحركة لنيوتن law of classical physics according to which if an object exerts a force upon another object, then that object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object Gorputz batek beste baten gainean indar bat egiten duenean, horrek kontrako noranzkoan balio bereko indarra egiten duela dioen legea. laki tria leĝo de Neŭtono Zákon akce a reakce நியூட்டனின் மூன்றாம் விதி terzo principio della dinamica troisième loi de Newton twazyèm lwa Newton Newtoni kolmas seadus terceira lei de Newton Trešais Ņūtona likums trečiasis Niutono dėsnis Newtonov tretji zakon gibanja третій закон Ньютона 牛顿第三运动定律 뉴턴의 제3법칙 3 zasada dynamiki Newtons 3.